How to join an existing space
Since Platform-Manager V2 (2021-08-10 release), users with an existing account can request to join a space.
First, find the space you want to request access to. From Platform-Manager main page, you can select its parent structure if or search for the space name. Then you should see, amongst one or several tiles, the one you are looking for.
If the space is public, a “Request access” button will appear on its tile. Click it. If private, contact the support at the email address specified on the tile.
Once you clicked “Request access”, until your join request is accepted or rejected by a space admin, the join button now is inactive and displays Join requested.
You can Create an account by clicking Create an account in the top right corner of the interface.
Then enter your informations.
In the Access to input, you can choose to which space you want to request access.
You will receive an email with a confirmation link. Once used, your account will be active.
When the admin of the space you requested to join will accept or reject your request, you will be notified by email.
If your request is accepted, you’ll then have access to the requested space with the role you were granted.
As a space admin, you are notified by mail when a user requests to join your space.
You can accept or reject this request by going into user Menu from your space home page.
Then go into Pending accounts (left sidebar menu).
If you want to accept the request, click Activate button, then affect a role to the user.
If you want to reject the request, click Delete button.
In both cases, user is notified by email.
Since Platform-Manager V2.3 (2022-01-31 release), users with an existing account cannot request to join private spaces.
It’s the space amdin’s role to add users in module Users > Add User.
You can add them by entering their login and setting their role.
You can then directly create accounts (or ask users to do so). Accounts credentials will be sent to users by email.
You will then have to give them a role in pending accounts > Activate