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Booking module allows users book resources.


Unlike other modules, Booking module has the particularity to be divided into two modules: Booking and Booking settings. You will need to activate both in order set your resources reservation environment.

Item definition

A reservation is defined by its:

Color code

Additional info

Supplementaries info

For information on reservation. Can be set as mandatory.


A resource can be shared out in packages. So, when making a reservation for a specific resource, users can choose one of its packages. A package is defined by its name, the resource it is linked to and its duration.

basic configuration

For a usage example, see How to manage interdependant booking resources


Allows to specify quantity of specific elements for a reservation. Can be set as mandatory.

If a quantity is set as invoicing unit for a resource, then its quantity will be taken into account for invoice generation instead of reservation duration.

Two quantities cannot be set as invoicing units for the same resource.

Module activation and configuration

Within your space, go into Configuration module.

basic configuration

Then click edit button in booking line.

Booking configuration has several options:

  • Activate/deactivate menus: select the minimum role required to access both the Booking and Booking settings modules. Inactive option stands for the module is not active.


  • Use authorisation visa: set if users have to have been attributed a visa to be able to book resources

  • Menu name: change the menu name

  • Use recurrent booking: allow to make periodic reservations

  • Can user edit started reservation?: allow user to make changes to an existing reservation

  • Edit booking options: choose description fields displaying when editing a reservation


  • Edit reservation plugin: A documenter

  • Edit booking mailing: choose in which cases emails should be sent to users and / or space managers

  • Booking summary options: choose which informations should display on reservations thumbails in calendar views


Booking settings module


Booking settings module’s role is to configure all booking-relative parameters, as the scheduling, resources reservation restrictions, and so on.

The default page displays only the side menu.

Following, the different items of Booking settings, divided into 3 categories (Calendar View, Additional info and Booking):

Calendar View

Calendar View parameters define to what users have access.


Warning: in order to edit schedulings, you need to create color codes first.


Set, for each area:

  • week days available for booking
  • daily time slot available for booking
  • booking blocs size (from 1/4 hour to 1 hour)
  • default booking scale (minutes, hours or days)
  • how do user specifies the booking duration
  • default color code




Set the colors and text options of the calendar view interface.


Warning for versions < 2.2 Default booking authorizations show User by default, but are set to Manager

Need to be saved a first time to be taken into account.

Same each time you add a new resource, its authorizations are set to Manager even if it shows User.


Set booking authorizations (User, Authorized users list, Manager, Admin) by resource for members of your space.


  • User: every user is authorized to book this resource
  • Authorized users list: only users with booking access for this resource’s category are allowed to make a reservation (+ managers and admins)
  • Manager: only managers and admins are allowed to make a reservation
  • Admin: only admins are allowed to make a reservation



Set max booking per day and cancellation time limit by resource.

Night & WE

This item has to deal with pricings.


For each princing, apply different prices for day, night and weekend. Define when to apply this specific prices (day period and week-end period).

Color Codes


Manage color codes

Additional infos

See Additional info.

Set additional fields to the reservation form. Resource-relative.



Block resources


Block resources so it can’t be booked by users on this time period.

Booking module



Booking module view relies on 4 sections:

  • Main bar allows to choose an Area or Resource to display (depending on the view chosen in view selection bar) and to set a date.


  • View selection bar allows to navigate from day to day (or month or week) and to set a type of view (Day, Day Area, Week, Week Area, Month).


  • Calendar section displays booked resources depending on the Area, Resource, date and view set in Main bar and View selection bar. Clicking a “+” symbol gives access to reservation interface. Clicking a reservation thumbnail allows to modify the selected reservation.


  • Color code section records the available color codes.


For spaces with caldav support enabled, the calendar view display a url in the navigation bar. This url can be used in user calendar client if caldav protocol is supported (recent Thunderbird or using btsync extension for example).

Once user calendar client is configured with this URL and user account credentials, user can select the booking calendar and get his reservations displayed, and updated, on his computer.

Booking a resource

By clicking a “+” symbol, you can access the reservation interface.


For elements description, see item definition and related items definition