Platform Manager
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General configuration

Configuration file, located in Config/conf.ini defines base configuration and the list of modules globally activated.

Example file is available with conf.ini.sample.

Mandatory sections are:

  • Installation: base setup with public url access and optional url prefix
  • Modules: list of modules
  • DB: mysql connection information
  • Admin: super administrator information (created at install if not exists), admin secrets (password, apikey) should not be exposed in config file and should rather be defined via env variables (see below).
  • Amqp: rabbitmq connection information, used for events and statistics to dialog with pfm-events process
  • smtp: mail settings

Optional sections:

  • Influxdb: Influxdb connection information
  • Openid: external authentication systems credentials

LDAP configuration

If users are to be authenticated via LDAP, ldap settings must be set in Config/conf.ini or env variables. Confgiguration via a Config/ldap.ini is file is still supported for backward compatibility (see ldap.ini.sample). A single LDAP system is used for all spaces access in this case, though local users can still be used in parallel.

Environment variables

Most configuration file variables can be superseeded by environment variables, usually in format PFM_VARNAME, PFM_ADMIN_USER for example for admin_user file config equivalent.

See docker section.

Welcome page

The default welcome page displays content of the first file found in data directory:

  • welcome_[en|fr].md
  • welcome_[en|fr].html*
  • welcome.html

Files in markdown (.md) are converted to HTML.